Non-Fiction Works:

Josie: A Memoir
Have you ever met a woman –
- Who was Annie Oakley, Scarlet O’Hara, and Eleanor Roosevelt all rolled into one?
- Who, on a Sunday morning, faced down desperadoes on a saloon porch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming?
- Who could out-barter, out baggle, and out-dicker a conman?
- Who was an entrepreneurial self taught interior designer and gemologist and transformed that husband’s watch repair shop into a dazzling emporium of jewels, fine China and crystal … and flowers … and hats … and pianos … and antiques?
- Who staged a one-woman campaign to bring racial justice and equal opportunity to Mississippi in the 50’s and 60’s
- Who was a Renaissance woman-artist, musician, singer, dancer?
- I may have introduced you to my mother, Joan “Josie” Ferguson Morris.
“Morris tells the story of a remarkable woman, capturing the spirit of America in her century.”
-Michael Hartnett Best-selling author, The Blue Rat

Available for Pruchase on-line at Leafwood Publishers “” or Amazon “”. In Tupelo Ms., you may purchase your copy at the Reed’s GumTree Book Store.
We want to follow the teachings of Jesus, but what are we supposed to do when those teachings seem too hard or too easy? Even worse, what are we supposed to do when they contradict each other?
The hard lessons of Jesus scar and scorch, challenge and demand. They call us to accountability, responsibility, and action. These words refuse to let us off the hook.
The easy sayings seem to contradict and counter the hard messages. These teachings are easily ripped from context, manipulated and distored to allow excuses for behavior Jesus denounces at other times.
Ten Things I Wished Jesus Hadn’t Said focuses on ten of these sayings; five that make it hard to be a Christian; five in seeming contradiction, that make it easy – all re-scripted in Present tense narrative and reframed for contemporary readers.
” Jesus did say some things that are hard to hear and thus ignore them, but to our loss. Joe E. Morris unwraps the tough stuff we find embedded in those jewels, treasures that excite and educate. The writing, the format – these are so well done that the reader is encouraged to look for time alone to spend with thei excellent book.”
-KENT ALLAN PHILLPOTT, Baptist minister and author of Are You Really Born Again?
Ten Things I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said
Joe Edd Morris has offered a gift to each of us in this honest engagement in the difficult teachings of Jesus. These teachings are hard to hear because we know they are hard to live; yet they are the source of joy and peace and power in the Christian life. I commend this book to you, to your class or group, to your church. Read it, grapple with it, embrace it, and be blessed. – Bishop Hope Morgan Ward, North Carolina Conference, United Methodist Church.
Address: Bishop Hope Morgan Ward
North Carolina Conference
United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
In an examination of ten of Jesus’ sayings Morris gives us a careful exploration of the texts, filled with valuable teaching moments and insights from the language and culture of Jesus’ time. He also gives us numerous insights from theology and psychology, and in discussion questions at the end of each chapter there is rich opportunity to apply the texts to our own lives. The book deals with issues that are of critical importance to our world, such as: judgment and forgiveness, wealth and poverty, greed and generosity, love and enemies, marriage and faithfulness, self-actualization and self-sacrifice, failure and recovery, war and peace, giving and receiving, and answered and unanswered prayer. Important appendices point out parallel scriptures to those explored and components of just war theory.
This is an excellent resource for preachers, Bible study teachers, study groups, and individuals who are serious about the challenges involved in contemporary discipleship.
Bishop (Retired) J. Lawrence McCleskey
The United Methodist Church
P. O. Box 164
Lake Junaluska, NC 28745
“Jesus did say some things that are hard to hear and thus we ignore them, but to our loss. Joe Edd Morris unwraps the tough stuff we find embedded in those jewels, treasures that excite and educate.The writing, the format – these are so well done that the reader is encouraged to look for time alone to spend with this excellent book.
Kent Allan Phillpott, noted Baptist minister and author of
Are You Really Born Again
Address: Rev. Kent Allan Philpott
1777 Mitchell #82
Tustin, CA 92780
“Morris offers a thorough exposition and application of challenging sayings of Jesus that make this book a helpful resource for any serious student of the Bible.”
Dr. John Armistead, noted author, artist and Baptist pastor
Address: Dr. John G. Armistead
5148 Woodlake Cove
Tupelo, MS 38801-7974
A brilliant scholarly work that also touches the deep places of the soul. I highly recommend this book by Dr. Morris.
Peggy Webb, Award-winning author
Peggy Elaine Webb
P. O. Box 605
Mooreville, MS 38857
Already the title arouses your curiosity. What is it that the author wishes Jesus had not said? More exciting is the uncanny way he often turns the sayings upside down to demonstrate what Jesus was really getting at. New insights emerge that give us a richer understanding of familiar gospel stories.
Theodore Runyon, Professor Emeritus, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Dr. Ted Runyon
1800 Clairmont Lake #628
Decatur, GA 30033
The organization of the book is simple but extremely effective. After each of the sayings, Morris provides information on the text, explains the context, elaborates on the message, and lists questions for reflection. He also gives helpful parallel scriptures for each of the sayings used. The book provides helpful insight to questions raised in the minds of all who ponder the sayings of Jesus.
Gerald Walton, an emeritus professor of English at the University of Mississippi, is the author of journal articles on language and literature and the book The University of Mississippi: a Pictorial History.
Dr. Gerald Walton
177 N. Highland #608
Memphis, TN 38111

Copies are available from the authors as well as Amazon and Barnes&Noble.
Eleven Old Testament stories vibrate with new life in this carefully crafted and innovative book. The authors revisit these ancient stories and revive their messages with striking relevancy for 21st century Christians. They retell the stories within contemporary frameworks and show their relationship to counterpart passages in the New Testament. Adapted for a wide audience including preachers, teachers and laity, chapters are structured for easy assimilation: Text, Context, Message, and Questions.
This book is a must for anyone having problems with understanding and applying Old Testament themes to their faith.
“This is a meaningful and enjoyable book for several reasons. First, it is a fine resource for Biblical literacy. This is particularly important for Christians these days with respect to the Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”). Also, the work enhances our understanding of the real meaning implicit in the text by examining both historical context and literary device. Finally, I was engaged by the real-life applications made possible by the authors’ provocative modern-day explorations and the pointed questions for discussion. Readers on all levels with benefit, whether on their own or with a study group.”
The Rt. Rev. Shannon S. Johnston
Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
“Much to the peril of the Christian community, the Old Testament is relegated to the margins in many local churches. Yet, the entire Bible is considered as the authoritative word of God and the New Testament must be read in the context of the mighty acts of God as portrayed in the Old Testament. Using the best tools of biblical scholarship and passion for God’s revelation in Scripture, Joe Ed Morris and Roy H. Ryan take the reader on a journey through the central revelatory stories in the Old Testament and their relevance for faithful Christian living in the twenty first century. This is an exceptionally useful resource for individuals and groups who want to grow in their understanding of and commitment to the God revealed in the fullness of Holy Scripture.”
Bishop (Retired) Kenneth L. Carder
Ruth W. and A. Morris Williams, Jr. Professor Emeritus
The Practice of Christian Ministry and
Bishop in Residence
Duke Divinity School

To ensure some objectivity in our choice of stories, from the hundred plus stories we each picked our top fifteen, then shared our list. We picked eight stories in common. From the remaining fourteen, we agreed upon six, rounding out our number to fourteen. Eleven chapters involve events surrounding Jesus and the last three chapters focus on Paul: his conversion, his letter to Philemon, and the Jerusalem Conference. With two exceptions, each chapter focuses on a single event. Chapter 4, “Jesus and Nicodemus,” covers three different events in the life of Nicodemus and Chapter 6, “Jesus the Doctor,” incorporates four different healing stories. Of the chapters about Jesus, two, 1 and 6, involve healings.
“In setting these old stories about “ordinary people” in new contexts, Morris and Ryan offer readers ways to discover again the extraordinary in ordinary lives. Their book works well not only for private devotion, but as an excellent guide for discernment with groups”
T.W. Lewis, Ph.D, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies, Millsaps College.
“The authors, examining the New Testament stories in the light of the 21st century, challenge the reader to rethink the teachings of Jesus in today’s world. The stories are presented in such a way as to make the old new and the familiar unexpected for readers. A good book for good friends to examine together!”
Cathy Grace, Former Director of Early Childhood Policy, The Children’s Defense
“Roy Ryan and Joe Edd Morris have put together a work that combines scholarly commentary with life affirming
application for Christian readers. This book explores the deeper meaning of New Testament stories, but is accessible to the lay reader and is perfectly suited for small group studies.”
Tom Wicker, United Methodist Church Lay Leader

Dr. Morris is the author of Revival of the Gnostic Heresy: Fundamentalism. In this rigorous and provocative study, Joe E. Morris argues that the basic tenets and practices of Fundamentalism are those of ancient Christian Gnosticism. Drawing on extensive research and careful analysis, Morris aligns the two religious phenomena, point by point, tenet by tenet. Along the way, he provides insights into the key hermeneutic of Fundamentalism: inerrancy of Scripture, highlighting the multiple problems with the positions of literal and inerrant interpretation, their impracticality and unfeasibility, and their contradiction with their own conservative doctrine–namely, the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This groundbreaking book dramatically recasts our understanding of the history of Christianity and gives important context to modern-day religious debates.
“This is a very well written book with a lively style that engages the reader immediately while still amassing an impressive array of scholarship. Morris moves easily and adroitly between the first centuries of Christian emergence and our own more familiar world. Along the way the reader learns a great deal about ancient gnosticisms and modern fundamentalisms and is invited to see the remarkable parallels between these seemingly unrelated phenomena. Whether or not one agrees with all of Morris’s judgments along the way, the reader will find this an informative, stimulating, and thought-provoking journey.”
–Theodore W. Jennings, Jr.,
Professor of Biblical and Constructive Theology, The Chicago Theological Seminary

The Christian Right: Neither Christian Nor Right, questions the movement’s claim to be Christian as well as its assertion to be “Right.” The Christian Right is basically a Fundamentalist political movement. Under scrutiny, Fundamentalism is a leftist theology and a rehash of religious beliefs considered unacceptable by the early Church Fathers and current mainstream Christianity. More significantly, the policies and political agenda of the Christian Right on issues of immigration, welfare, the death penalty and gun control, to name a few, contrast sharply with the teachings of Jesus. The Christian Right: Neither Christian Nor Right states that The Christian Right’s political roots are leftist. Its political forbearers, the Pilgrim Puritans, belong to a lineage of leftist movements through history the used the Old, not the New Testament as its basis of government. The heroes of the Christian Right’s cohort, the Tea Party, were a band of leftist bent on overthrowing a government. Regardless of the outcome of the 2016 elections, the 2018 midterm elections look with the Christian Right and Tea Party as major players.
Systematic Jury Selection in Mississippi: A Practical Approach