Since the tornado tore through Tupelo on Monday, April 28, we are just now getting internet service. The funnel’s touchdown was one block from our house. We rode it out under our house. Power was out for 48 hours.

The writing and promotion of books continues. Roy Ryan and I had a good crowd at Traceway Retirement Center with gigs planned for Pontotoc County Library and Mimi’s bookstore in New Albany in June. Plans are underway for a book event at Lake Junaluska Book Store in North Carolina in July. Sandi and I fly to New York in a few weeks for friend and internationally renown Alexander Markov’s concert at Carnegie Hall. A guest will be my literary agent Linda Langton. Her agency is shopping Return to Freedom Summer, currently editing The Last Page, and in the process of editing another non-fiction work. My religious agent, Mary Sue Seymore is getting a strong tug on Ten Things I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said.

Old Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today and New Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today? continue to be best-sellers in their category on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Cokesbury. Cokesbury plans to promote the books at all United Methodist Conferences this spring and summer.