I received word yesterday that The Christian Right: Is It Christian? Is It Right…Or Left? is in the last stages before typesetting and publication. The publisher, Parkeast Publishers out of New York, assure me it will be out as an E-book in a couple of months, followed by a print hardback book, all of this before the 2012 election. The book points out the contradictions between the agenda of the Christian Right and New Testament ethics and the teachings of Jesus. The Christian Right also hails the Puritan Pilgrims as its forebears, yet Puritan government and laws were founded on the Old, not the New Testament. A national radio talk tour is planned with other promotions nationwide. Highly controversial, I am sure it will draw some heat.

Mark’s Gospel: The Last Page, hictorical fiction about the mysterious absence of the last page in the Gospel of Mark, is currently under agent review.

Old Testament Stories:What Do They Say Today? which I have co-authored with Dr. Roy H. Ryan, is almost  ready for presentation to an agent and publisher. We are awaiting endorsements of two bishops, one United Methodist and an Episcopal bishop plus an Old Testament professor. Once these are in, we move forward with, what we consider to be, a solid platform and presentation.